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Political Debates - Do you watch them
I got my info on her when she came to detriot and started ranting about anti gun stuff in her suport campains for both Gore and Kerry.

If it werent for her documented position on guns I'd of vote for her, there just no way on gods green earth is any one going to prove to me that this lepord has changed her spots....

imediatly after sundays debate the mayor and cheif of police in detroit got on tv and started talking about having to get rid of leagle guns in detroit because they cant keep them out of the hands of criminals.

think about it, how can some one be a repeated gun violance person every 6 months if he is locked up for 10 years.

all any gun restrictions do is disarm law biding citizens who then fall prey to criminals of all sorts.

The only legal machein guns in this country are those that belong to military and law enforcement. you wont get 10 years for possesion of an illegal machein gun... Where is the deturent? Where is the law and conciquence to govern the law that will make some one afraid to posses an ilegal wepon? It dosnt exist.

The only reason they dont ask her about her position on guns is any thing she says can be devalidated by her past campains in suport of other anti gun polititions. [center]===[/center]
This is why I want this question asked now! not when it comes between two presidental candidates so we end up with another Bush.... This is exactly how we get these Bushes and people like Bushes is by having anti gun people running for president...

Any one who dose not understand this dose not belong holding a political office..... "my opinion"

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Re: [southernman] Political Debates - Do you watch them - by davetclown - 08-21-2007, 02:45 PM

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