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Shock and Awe!
I am affraid that this is going to be a long 14 months befor this is over.

the trust of Iraque's abused sitizens are mord scaired now than ever before.

last time a bush went over there he botched the job and did not finish it and left it up to another fashest group to try to take over. (we want a demicratic foundation not another dictator) The citizens dont know what to beleive, and beleive they are dammed if the sway one way or the other. and rightly so concidering the past bush record.

of cource we as us citizens wont stand for another botched jop by another bush [mad]

he has no choice but to do the job and get it done befor re-election time next year. unfortunatly for the citizens of Iraque if they continue to poze a problem and continue to show loyalty to the Sad man they will open them selves up as targets for military encroachments.

I pray for the insocent there, here and every where. this is a loose loose loose situation. (it still has to be done [Sad])

Messages In This Thread
Shock and Awe! - by theangler - 03-21-2003, 10:11 PM
Re: [theangler] Shock and Awe! - by lonehunter - 03-22-2003, 02:13 PM
Re: [lonehunter] Shock and Awe! - by theangler - 03-22-2003, 10:37 PM
Re: [theangler] Shock and Awe! - by davetclown - 03-30-2003, 12:25 PM
Re: [davetclown] Shock and Awe! - by davetclown - 03-30-2003, 12:28 PM

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