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Start being grateful for all we have as a country.
I am curious to know how many people you think you feed every month.

You know what your food budget is for a month, divide that by 25% and I bet it is still greater than the food budget that is allotted for the poverties of this nation.

You may not be aware of this, $125 dollars in food stamps is the food allotment for a person living below poverty per month. Thus many of these people living on the gravy train as you would say start suffering from malnutrition, their children grow in to adults with health problems due to malnutrition as a child. An even temporary period of malnutrition causes serious health problems later on in adulthood. Then you complicate the matter with the lack of health care, poor housing that is often low rent and infested with vermin... You are assuredly sending another person to the gravy train.

Did you know that if you were a welfare child there is a 65% chance you will end back up on welfare before you reach the retirement age... and there is 55% chance you wont reach the retirement age because of malnutrition and lack of health care in your early ages of life...

So go ahead and give your self a well deserved pat yourself on the back, you earned it...

I my self after learning the facts would have a hard time as a politician sitting down to a 3 coarse meal knowing that out there are people who had voted for me to make a difference in their life, and there are others out there who are justified in voting against me because they knew in their hearts that I would not do my part to alleviate the suffering and hardship caused by poverty...

My neighbor "mr middle class American" working 2 full time jobs, his wife working full time lost his lower middle class house because the economy took a dump. No safety net for him because some one passed a bill that he could not file bankruptcy and work his way back out. Bank for closed on his house and sold it for one third of what he owed on it.

In the Wink of an eye, mr middle class American went from middle class to poverty, he had to sign up for food stamps, he had to move in to his mothers apartment with his wife, 2 girls and 1 boy at the age of 60....

He had the same opinion of me as you do when he first moved in next door to me 8 years ago. Before he moved out he discovered I had by far more integrity than most of the people he dealt with, and he too needed my services as a human resource counselor before it was all said and done...

There is a moral to this story; I will leave it to you to figure out. No one can explain it to you. no one could explain it to me, I had to learn it the hard way. Rich I pray you don’t have to follow the hard path as I have. I pray you gain truth and understanding with out having to forgo the suffering,...

Some people go though life oblivious to human suffering, that is how we get the husains, the bushes, the hovers, the tallaban, the hitlers, the jacksons, the mings, the dommers, the ceasars and the list goes on and on and on though out history up to today and will go on in to the future.

Where did mine eyes begin to open you may wonder, I will be more than happy to tell you, Some dozen years ago I was visited by 12 men form across the country, you might say emissaries from the church of the latter day saints. They sat in my humble rickety falling down shack of a home in my 13x14 foot living room and prayed.

They asked god to place before my eyes truth and understanding, strength of heart and courage to stay the coarse and lastly for the salvation of my sole.

Knowledge and understanding of the truth dose not come over night, you don’t just wake up with it one morning, it isn’t delivered in the morning paper, you wont even find it in a Sunday morning sermon. This truth you have to experience, if you don’t know any one who lives in poverty, go find one, befriend him, get to know him, learn how he ended up in poverty, be sure to ask him about his endeavors to escape poverty, I bet he has more than a couple dozen attempts he can tell you about. Be sure to ask him what blocked him from being able to move beyond the poverty trap.

No one can witness this tragedy of life with out it changing their vary being unless they have closed their hearts to all human suffering…

I may one day die in poverty, but I wont die ignorant of the truth….

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Re: [BearLakeMack] Start being grateful for all we have as a country. - by davetclown - 08-25-2007, 06:34 PM

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