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Start being grateful for all we have as a country.
to save my self a post here, on the FEMA thingy, What a waist. they are doing the job of the national guard.


because the national guard is doing the job of the united states millitary,


because the last republican and democratic administrations had reduced the millitary bases around the country that were susposed to have men ready at any given minute for when something like 911 comes up. insted it took us months to get in to Iraq. It will take years to get out because we cant leave any military equipment there when we leave working or not..

my point is, Fire FEMA, put the national guard back where they belong, our country needs them back at thier post.

reenstate our millitary, we only have 36.9 million people living in poverty, (down by 0.3% from 12.6% in 2006 - thankyou mr bush and the lolly pop gang) I am sure that some of those guys would like to have the education and training that the US military used to provide.

and finaly fire all them good o'l boys for getting us in bed with the Sad man in the first place...
I remember when the Sad man came to detroit and Colman Young gave him the key to the city... need I say any more about that... lol....


I did not take it the wrong way, I for the most part agreed with what you said. Yes I know people who are lazy beyond beleif. I know one in particular, I wont say his name because state and federal law prohibits my or any one entising anger tward this individual. This dose not mean I cant tell you his story.

here goes,

I knew a man one time who was so lazy he come up with any excuse to not work. well one day a welfare agent got wise and found a possision that he could not come up with an excuse, It was a job normaly done by a woman and she was retirieng. The job paid 17k per year to start with medical..

all he had to do was give up his booze, pot smokin, and crak snortin....

Well that job demanded to much of him. having to become a respectable human being.. thats just out of the question....

the sunday before he was to report to the social worker he being 51 years of age grabed a little girl in the basement of a church and played dolly...

needless to say, he did go to jail, and now is out, but he will never have to work again the rest of his life, Why? need I answer that?

We all know some one who is like that who will do what ever it takes to stay away from working. that burns my toast as well, It realy realy hurts the rest of us trying to climb out of the hole we have been kicked in to...

I knew a man who killed himself drinking because he did not want to go to work, the morning befor a job enterveiw it popped the top of a fith of vodka, went to the interview, passed out on the chair and wizzed on him self...

eventualy he died of alchohal poisening.

so many people have the wrong conceptions of why poeple are sitting in the poor house..

so many people think many of us are sitting around because we want to... when the truth of the matter is, it is killing us.... We want our quality of life back, we want to be able to go out on the weekends, we want to go away on vacations, we want to get out of the house on a daily basis, we want our dignity back, we want the chance to make it on our own and not be smacked in the head for trying and failing... "thats called flea training"

my point is, there are a few programs out there, but they are generic. they dont meet the need of those in need or desire to escape the poverty trap. they are written up for the Lazy's or uneducated.

I think if they are going to give corporate the booster shot, they can give it to those disabled as well. at least not punnish them for trying...

weather they do or not, I still have to make that jump. hopefuly I will make it across the devide and send back a rope for others. the fear of falling short is facing a realistic fact, 10% of all new business never get up off the ground, 50% of all new businesses fail the first year, 40% fail with in 5 years, and only 10% of all new bussines make it past 10 years...

the scarry part is, the minut a disabled person goes in to business of any kind, he looses any benifits and will not be able to get back on with out going though the entire process again which takes months...

I did not think you were attacking me, I just hear those words over and over day after day. and Buddy after about 10 years it dose tend to drag one down...

No opologies nessisary on your part.. I just had to vent a little on the behalf of our nations poor.

when some one tells me we should be thankful for what we got, I have to reply, we have worked hard for more than what we got, so being thankfull for getting the shaft is beyond all reason. But the lazies are thankfull, just go ask them.... they will be happy to tell ya if they dont have to get up to answer the door or reach past the tv flicker to get the phone and you aint interupting their drinking or rope smokin...

so any politition wants to get praised for the job he is doing, I say go talk to a lazy or a wealthy, they will both say you is doin a fine job... but dont bother come to my door or I will tell you like it is...

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Re: [gdn443] Start being grateful for all we have as a country. - by davetclown - 08-29-2007, 10:50 PM

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