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Willard Bay North Marina 8-31-07
[cool][#ff0000](Copied and pasted from the Float Tubing Board)[/#ff0000]
[black][size 1][size 2][blue]TubeBabe wanted to hit Willard Bay. Road drove his truck with our tubes in it and we hit the north marina about six. Fishfinder pulled in right behind us and Petty4Life was not far behind. We had us the makin's of a floatilla.

Cloudy conditions with a light breeze at launch. About 75 degree air temp and 76 degree water temp. A good three feet at the ramp and over six feet going out in the channel. There is a 2.5 foot bump to go over at the mouth of the channel, and then the depth drops quickly to 8 or 9 long as you go straight west for a few hundred yards. To the north and south there are exposed rock piles and gravel bars.

We were all on the water just after 6:30 and everybody started scoring small catfish quickly. Those babies are thick and they are hungry. Before the day was over we would all have all we wanted of those pesky but tasty little morsels. We also had enough of the carp. Bajillions of them working the surface with open mouths, slurping up the newly forming algae blooms.

At 7:15 I heard a loud whoopin' and hollerin', which set off rockslides on the mountains to the east. TubeBabe had hooked up with a wiper and it was whuppin' her good. 19" and just over 3 pounds. The onliest one we got all day. Way to go Babe.

We all had and lost fish we suspected (hoped) were wipers, but no others landed. No walleyes either. it will be a couple of weeks at least before the falling water temps start bringing them in better.

Plenty of action for everybody. We all went through a lot of bait and had a great time. There was a pesky north breeze for about an hour and a half. Just when it looked like it might pick up and get serious it suddenly died off and the water was glass from about 10 AM on. Lovely day.

As we were hitting the ramp to go home, after noon, the water temp was up to almost 84 inside the marina. Two large boats launched without problems as we were packing up. As long as you load and unload from the steep bank to the west of the ramp you can do it. And, you need to stay to the north edge of the channel for the best depth...and use your sonar.[/blue][/size]
[/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29110;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] FLOATILLA MORNING.jpg [/#333366][/url](149 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29111;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] CLOUD STUDY.jpg [/#333366][/url](153 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29112;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] TUBEBABE BENDO.jpg [/#333366][/url](197 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29113;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] WIPER NETTED.jpg [/#333366][/url](264 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29114;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] CARP CLUMP.jpg [/#333366][/url](306 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29115;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] COOKIE CUTTER KITTY.jpg [/#333366][/url](154 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29116;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] JIG KITTY.jpg [/#333366][/url](104 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29117;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] RETURNING RIPPLE.jpg [/#333366][/url](185 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29118;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] ROAD ON GLASS.jpg [/#333366][/url](203 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29119;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] FISHFINDER RAMPING UP.jpg [/#333366][/url](198 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29120;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] TUBEBABE TRIUMPHS.jpg [/#333366][/url](186 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29121;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] ROAD'S END.jpg [/#333366][/url](171 KB) [/size][/black] [black][size 1]Attachments:[/size][/black] [black][size 1][url ";postatt_id=29122;"][Image: image.gif][#333366] A TISKET A BASKET.jpg [/#333366][/url](292 KB) [/size][/black]

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Willard Bay North Marina 8-31-07 - by TubeDude - 08-31-2007, 11:56 PM

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