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Last Thursday at Jordanelle
Sorry it took so long to post this report, I wanted to get some pix first. Bassrods and I decided to hit Jordanelle thursday afternoon despite rough weather. I wasn't going to have another chance to fish for quite a while so we just hoped for the best. We hit the water around 1pm and fished for over an hour with only 2 fish in the 13" range (both caught by bassrods). so we decided to move to an area that had more cover. after fishing for about 30 minutes the bite just turned on and we had fish on about every other cast. over the next hour or so we caught about 30 fish between us. about half were under 12" and half over 12" The biggest fish was 15 1/2 inches and weighted 2lbs 0 oz. about 5 fish were in this range (14-16 inches) and about 15 in the 12-14" range. then the fishing slowed so we tried several other areas including the rockcliff arm with limited success. we called it a day about 7pm.

Although a 40 fish day sounds great on paper, it was a pretty rough day with most of the fish coming from that 1 hour period. the average catch for the day was just over 3 fish per hour per fisherman. Fishing seemed to be best when the wind was the worst.

We had a great time, but less wind would have been nice. Here are a few pix of the fish and one of some deer getting a drink.

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Last Thursday at Jordanelle - by MDPhD - 09-10-2007, 05:02 PM

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