09-13-2007, 03:42 AM
one thing i have seen in "wet cell" batteries is over time if they discharge to almost zero...low enough you think they are dead but are not quite dead....like to 1 volt or something...and get recharged, they sometimes have a hard time "accepting" a full charge off a normal charger. this is when i put a "trickle" charger on them, one that will put out like 2 amps and 12 volts instead of a 20 amp 12 volt charge to the battery. really any charger that can charge less than 5 amps and 12 volts will be a trickler in my mind. its not a "memory" thing with this it just happens, i dont know why, how or what causes it but it happens. try to run a 2 amp trickle charge on them for say.....24 hours to get them up enough to accept a full charge off the normal charger.