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It was about Strawberry adventure 9/22...
Man, wish I would have realized that was a fellow BFTer up there today. We were at the ladders fishing from the bank (brownish 4 runner). I apologize for not realizing you needed help, I was in my own little world trying like crazy to break my slump of the last few days.

I turned around just in time to see a bunch of guys pulling a boat trailer up the incline and kinda laughed to myself, pointed it out to one of the guys I was with and he mentioned it looked like you had things under control so back to fishing we went.

We didn't to much either, I caught one cut that I believe was over the slot but somehow I managed to make it to strawberry without a tape so we will never know, the other guys went O'fer and we bailed after the wind really got howling.

Glad to hear you made it back ok......

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Re: [N.E.T.O.] It was about Strawberry adventure 9/22... - by fishyfishyfish - 09-23-2007, 07:00 AM

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