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Lake Mead Saturday
Started early about 5:30 headed for govt' wash tried trolling while watching for boils no action. At one point I thought the birds were following me. Then at about 7:30 We saw fish popping and birds diving near 33rd hole. Steady action till about 10:30. We saw boils from 33rd hole past sand island mainly on the west side of the channel. There were only about 3 other boats which was nice. We were using zara spook's, rat-l-trap's, 4" storm wildeye, and mister twister sassy shad. I had the best luck with the rat-l-trap, but all were catching fish. I lost count after about 20 but I would say we caught about 40 between the three of us. off the water by 11:30. Sorry no pictures left the camera at home, but it was a great trip and almost no wind.


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Lake Mead Saturday - by Striperhunter - 10-08-2007, 11:22 PM

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