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Michigan's Wild Turkey Management
Since we have so many Wild Trukeys in Ohio, I thought I would give a bit of info on them. The Spring season in Southeastern Ohio is the last week of April and the First week in May. License and Turkey tags are available in every county, usually at several locations and can purchased up to the last day of the season. All downed Turkey must be tagged and checked at the proper locations. I hope many are tagged in our area for they think they own our road and we often have to stop for any number to cross the road sometimes in excess of 25 at a time. Southeastern Ohio has a great number af availavble turkeys just waiting for the right hunter to grab.

Messages In This Thread
Michigan's Wild Turkey Management - by davetclown - 03-23-2003, 06:40 PM
Re: [davetclown] Michigan's Wild Turkey Management - by Windy - 04-09-2003, 05:04 PM

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