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I had to chuckle on this one.
aint that the truth, on that stunt alone she should have been run out of town.... just 48 hours prior she said it wasnt a matter what you beleive.....

I did get a chuckle when one of the voters was quoted comming out of the booth when asked how she voted, she said, "I voted to get rid of that bush in a dress"

meaning she was against the major corporate trust monopolies and how they put small businesses out of work... meaning that we as we currently stand are not the land of oppertunity we once were but the land of monopoly Trust....

[#bf0000]good thing I didnt have stiches, I would have busted them for sure, my side still hurts from laughing so hard[/#bf0000].....[laugh]

Messages In This Thread
I had to chuckle on this one. - by wiperhunter2 - 01-07-2008, 05:16 PM
Re: [gdn443] I had to chuckle on this one. - by davetclown - 01-09-2008, 05:03 AM

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