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Suggestions on insect repellant?
Thanks! I e-mailed him just a few seconds ago. It'd be cool to be able to test it out. Minnesota is a prime location with all the water we've got around here!

I was just remembering something I tried a couple summers ago. I had read somewhere that wearing a fabric softener sheet on your clothing would keep the skeeters off of you. Doesn't work. I had the big ones attackin me! You know, the ones that can pick up a bear and fly it around the world a couple times before gettin' tired.

Messages In This Thread
Re: [JapanRon] Suggestions on insect repellant? - by gvanzant - 04-14-2003, 12:37 AM
Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Suggestions on insect repellant? - by lonewolf - 04-15-2003, 08:47 PM
Re: [theangler] Suggestions on insect repellant? - by DrownedDesertRat - 04-20-2003, 01:22 AM

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