04-20-2003, 03:34 AM
hey fishboy2 i have caught lots of wipers at willard bay in the summer and the late fall. i haven't caught any this spring yet but as the others have said when the water warms up they will start to really bite. I have caught 8 1/2 lb. largemouth bass in florida, a 26lb. mac at the gorge, 12lb. silver salmon in alaska and many other big fish in my day but i still think that the WIPER is still one of the hardest fighting fish pound for pound that i have ever caught. you just can't explain how it feels until you get a small tap on the line or a bone crushing bite that just about pulls the pole right out of your hand. once you catch a wiper i bet you will agree that they are one of the best fish that you have ever caught. KEEP THE LINE TIGHT AND YOUR DRAG SET LIGHT OR PREPARE TO HAVE YOUR LINE BROKEN