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holiday events at the white house
i would never begrudge the presedents family there personal life , the easter egg hunt has always been a public event at the white house since jackie kennedy started opening the house to the public . i'm not critisicising them holding it , but they used to invite schoolchildren from underprivilaged neighborhoods thruout the country . they have halted this practice , and to me it seems that " being poor " is no longer aceptable enough for the white house staff .

if just one child can be inspired enough to know that he or she could one day grace there presence in that house as a leader of the greatest nation of the free world , reguardless of there ecomonic conditions or upbringings , just thru a simple visit at one of these public functions would be worth it .

who needs more dreams than the hopeless . one tiny spark of hope burning in a childs sole could one day fire up a nation into defeating poverty once and forall , or it could just pass this spark on to the next generation in the family . getting that spark to ignite , thats the ticket for these kids .

reguardless of what time and reality have worn away from my asperations , i still have the ability to dream , if not for myself , for my children and the children of others . they are our nations true wealth . our appointed leaders should venture enough into making a simple dream available to these children of lesser means , rather than dismissing there existance with an excuse of the impoverished children being a security concern . what made the other children attending risk free ?

children see no diference between themselves untill they learn it from our examples , shouldn't our represenatives give the best example they can when it comes to equality ?

segrugating the nations underprivilaged at an early age is sending the wrong message to these kids , they are not welcome to join in our nations political socitey because they are poor . as a religous holiday event observed at our nations highest office , they are not welcome to participate ,

why then should they become a good citisen , why belive in a government that dismisses there existance ? why should they dream of a better tomorow ?

Messages In This Thread
holiday events at the white house - by lonehunter - 04-22-2003, 03:16 AM
Re: [davetclown] holiday events at the white house - by lonehunter - 04-22-2003, 10:44 PM

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