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Fishing hurts.
[Wink]That was the point, to tease a bit.

PETA can be obnoxious thats why I got so sarcastic.

I mean serious from PETA's website:

"Imagine reaching for an apple on a tree and having your hand suddenly impaled by a metal hook that drags you—the whole weight of your body pulling on that one hand—out of the air and into an atmosphere in which you cannot breathe. This is what fish experience when they are hooked for “sport.”"

Then they get even more ridiculous! Read here:

"Many people grow up fishing without ever considering the terror and suffering that fish endure when they’re impaled by a hook and pulled out of the water."

I can't stop laughing! LOL!

What about the terror of being a Gizzard Shad and being attacked by Wipers and Walleyes or Catfish!

What about the terror of small Channel Catfish being eaten by hungry Walleyes.

What about the the terror of Sharks eating other fish? Are PETA complaining?

Again I can only laugh; if I don't laugh I can only get annoyed by PETA! [Image: fish-on.gif]

Whatever! Idiots!

I do agree that certain animals like Tigers should be protected and all that and as fishermen we should set an example to keep the environment there.

PETA do make a certain point the animals do suffer, its just a part of life but animals are animals.

The Bluegill suffers when a Bass eats it. A tadpole suffers when a hungry fish comes along to eat it.

A Buffalo suffers when a pack of hungry wolves attack it.

What are we to do stay up 'till 2 AM in the morning worrying about animals and what they do in the wild?

Well for PETA they just don't want us to attack the animals.

OK I can respect that, but I know its my problem PETA annoy me.

I like the environmental concerns that PETA have though we do have too much pollution, as fishermen we can agree to that.

Other than that PETA are too extreme and stupid.

Messages In This Thread
Fishing hurts. - by Fishhound - 03-15-2008, 03:27 AM
Re: [Fishhound] Fishing hurts. - by FireMountain - 03-15-2008, 05:06 AM
Re: [Fishhound] Fishing hurts. - by catfish-logic - 03-15-2008, 02:29 PM
Re: Fishing hurts. - by Vivid-Dawn - 03-15-2008, 07:44 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] Fishing hurts. - by catfish-logic - 03-16-2008, 09:11 AM
Re: [catfish-logic] Fishing hurts. - by TubeDude - 03-16-2008, 03:09 PM
Re: [Fishhound] Fishing hurts. - by bwhitty - 03-16-2008, 04:05 AM
Re: [Fishhound] Fishing hurts. - by hashbaz - 03-16-2008, 04:48 AM
Re: [hashbaz] Fishing hurts. - by Vivid-Dawn - 03-16-2008, 06:15 AM

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