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Report from Rivers End Tackle

This is our first report of the season and I wish it was more
inspirational as I look out at the rain and the forecast of more rain.
STRIPED BASS - The March / April run of winter over bass has been
good for the last few weeks. Bass have been hitting
somewhat regularly in the lower Housatanic and upper Thames Rivers.
Hamburg Cove turned on a couple of weeks ago
with good schoolie action. We haven't heard about any migratory
striped bass yet. I expect we should have some in the
lower Connecticut River about mid month.
There have been no changes in striped bass regulations this year.

FLOUNDER - This was the opening week of the season. We had a few
mixed reports come in from Bluff Point and not much
more. We suspect the weather kept the effort down. We have worms
and chum in stock for the hearty souls braving the weather.
The season is 4/1 to 5/30 with the limit of 10 fish at 12" or

April 12th at noon we have TROLLING the TUBE and WORM with Pat
April 19th at noon we have CASTING and JIGGING for TUNA with Andrew
April 26th our SALTWATER FLY FISHING SCHOOL with Lou Tabory and
"Q" Kresser. Reservation and fee for this school.
call us for details.
May 3rd at noon is our CASTNETTING CLINIC with "Q" Kresser.

Messages In This Thread
Report from Rivers End Tackle - by gdn443 - 04-05-2008, 10:56 AM

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