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Beware the vicious wolf!
I find it amazing that there are so many nut jobs out there. Peta uses "nice" images of wolves to promote their political agenda. I am surprised so many on this site support them.

Why would I make a statement like this? Because people on this site critisize others for legally taking an animal. Now this post of mine is not directed to Southernman. I already know he isn't a hunter or a fisherman. He is nothing more than a "troll" that tries to get people riled.

But maybe, for you other "anti wolf hunters" out there, you ought to do a little research about your beloved animals. Do a little research on the deer and elk herd in Yellowstone.

Also, ask a Wyoming rancher about his cattle herd getting killed by them. I am sure you never envisioned the big mac and double quarter pounder you "wolfed" down for lunch actually came from a wolf hating rancher.

Plus, believe it or not, wolves also like to kill for the sport of it. Kind of like those sickos that harm those poor innocent carp.

Here is some food for thought:

[#ff0000]EDITED: Pics too large to post inside.[/#ff0000]

Messages In This Thread
Beware the vicious wolf! - by catfish-logic - 04-06-2008, 06:50 AM
Re: [lunkerhunter2] Beware the vicious wolf! - by cadresults - 04-07-2008, 02:18 AM

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