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"No Licenses Required"
I think your exactly right on land owndership, I for one know for a fact that the BLM has a 40 acre tract of land just east of the main boat ramp and F&G has an special use agreement with BLM on it for a sportsmans access. As I remember this, it is a no charge permit and allows sportsmans access to the resevoir, so another avenue to proch this subject would be for people to contact the BLM office in Pocatello and see if they can force the issue some what with either/or F&G and the canal company. I dont know the other land owners, but, if they can keep people off their property with the help of the canal company, they would probably support it.

I dont know, but maybe navigable waters applies here? I think it is only on streams, but maybe hope it can apply also.

It will be interesting to say the least on this whole issue. I dont think F&G is going to loose some of their better warm water fisheries in east Idaho, let alone the kind of family friendly fishery they have. Also, maybe the bass groups that use the water can help with or provide support from some national groups to support F&G on the venture?

Keep on fishing and make a point.

Messages In This Thread
"No Licenses Required" - by gardenhackle - 04-10-2008, 03:36 AM
Re: [jbaldwinblkft] "No Licenses Required" - by duksnfish - 04-11-2008, 09:39 PM

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