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Make your own planer boards
You can buy planer board releases from cabelas. I like the Off-shore light tension ones. I have the Laurvicks also but they dont release as well. The higher you can get your planer board line, the better. Most guys have a mast around 6 feet high. This helps the releases slide down the line. I have used home made boards just like the ones in the pics. They work great. When using more than one line off your board you need to have the one closest to the board the farthest behind the boat. I set the one at the board usualy 150 feet and the next one at 120 feet.When a fish hits the outside lure, wait a minute for it to clear the insde line. Then instead of bringing the inside line in, just slide it down and set another one at 100 feet. You get the idea. Planer boards will usualy outfish a flatine behind the boat 2 to 1.

Messages In This Thread
Make your own planer boards - by dubob - 05-15-2008, 07:43 PM
Re: [dubob] Make your own planer boards - by jacksonlaker - 05-16-2008, 02:49 AM

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