05-04-2003, 02:12 AM
hi guys i take it you have to buy stamps to hunt them// i know we got plenty of bear on my mountain.don,t see em that often but they cut down past my house to the brook and then back on the mountain at night i see their footprints quite a bit around the back of the house. when i use to ride my ponies out thri shedsville, i could tell easily when one was around cause bombfire would tell me. haha real quick. haha our tags come with our deer huntin liicence. i gues cause there aren,t that many taken a year in vermont. maybe 300 in the whole state. no one hunts em round our area. mt. ascutney. my husband use to hunt over in the adirondacs in new york for bear and one got so he got shot at by so many hunters i guess he got sick of it and cahsed don up the tree. haha wish he,d of kept him there permanently hahaha[
