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Empty Blank Shell Casing Gets Boy Suspended
That is out ragous, the school and teacher should be sued.

at the vary least the boy should be pulled from that school along with all the rest of the children....

ignorance of todays society only makes the next sheep slaughter even more shocking and terrifying...

I my self had been fired from a job where I had an empty shell box that I had been using to put my spent cutting carbid in a machien shop.... "a shop where I built parts for Tanks and other vehicals that are now deployed in Iraq"

50 years ago the teacher and principle would have both been fired on the spot for being anti-patretism, anti-american, and defaming the integrity of an american vetrain, and damn near deported for disrespect to fallen veterans.

In my veiw, it is a decrase, I wont doubt that now the teacher and principle has put the notion in to the heads of the schools children that this is unexceptable behavour, one of those kids I expect will take it to heart and do something and it will be no ones fault but the administration behind this action.....

they had the oppertunity to turning this spent shell in to an educational peice but decided to take the low road and chastize an american vetran symble.....

they are lucky I didnt have a kid in that school, I would have yanked him so fast they couldnt clear the paper work before I publicaly demanded the fireing of those involved.....

If there is going to be zero tollerance, then there shold be zero tollarance to ignorance as well.....[crazy]

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Re: [tomc] Empty Blank Shell Casing Gets Boy Suspended - by davetclown - 06-04-2008, 07:39 PM

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