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Rivers end tackle report
Updated by Pat on May 30th, 2008

STRIPED BASS - Theres some disappointment in the Connecticut River
with the amount of bass here. Well its not as good as last year and last
year was not as good as the year before. The reality is that this is
the peak time for larger bass in the River. Anglers have taken some nice
bass this week by generally straying from previous years patterns.
Start before daybreak, don't be afraid to fish the flood tide. Don't
follow all the other boats in the same spots not catching much, keep trying
likely spots from the Breakwater to Deep River. If birds are sitting
nearby on shore, try the adjacent waters. You can't rely on what worked
last year.
Outside the River there has been some good bassing on jigs at the
Race, Plum Gut and Southwest Reef. By this weekend there should be bass on
all the local reefs.

BLUEFISH - There are some teeth in the Connecticut River. Along
Great Island and across to Ragged Rock Creek there are some choppers up to
10 pounds. They are not showing for the most part but will hit surface
The Race and Plum Gut have had blues of mixed sizes. A few blues are
showing up on the local reefs.

FLOUNDER - Not much action this week and the season closes tomorrow.

FLUKE- Not much in the Connecticut River yet. We seem to be the
last to get the run. A few boats made the run across with somewhat better
reports coming from Greenport than Montauk. We had some vague reports
from Mattituck which should be right on time. We also had better reports
from Fishers Island and the Rhode Island South Shore. There have been
some fluke at Hatchetts and Long Sand Shoal plus some activity starting
at Niantic.

PORGIES - The season is opened in Connecticut and RI tomorrow. NY
opens on 6/1.

BLACKFISH - The season is closed.


Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475

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Rivers end tackle report - by gdn443 - 06-08-2008, 10:08 AM

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