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michigan 's little known fishes and fish facts
I have caught a couple them, one on a worm the other was hooked to the side of a salmon.

the ones they are taging and releasing are geneticly enhansed, they are suspost to be some what steril in that they breed but their ability to reproduce in great numbers is susposedly dramiticly reduced. that is the money I was talking about them spending.

we have an endepth report on this some where on the concervation board. last year they stoped using traps to capture them. they beleive that this method of steril parisite will be far more cost effective in reducing their numbers.

at one time we had a major problem with lamphre plageing the salmon population. I remember the news reels from back in the 60's

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Re: [lonehunter] michigan 's little known fishes and fish facts - by davetclown - 05-05-2003, 01:55 AM

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