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Mexico Bass Fishing Trip
Let me first say, I'm a radio/television host in Atlanta, Georgia which explains why I’m doing this.
I’ve been looking into fishing for largemouth bass in Mexico. Now I’m putting together a group of 6 anglers (5 plus me) for a trip to Lake Baccarac, Mexico. Part of the group is set, but we need more anglers to fill the group.
It’s a 5 night/4 day fishing trip. Tentative date is Dec 11-16. The climate is very temperate and past the rainy season by late Nov/Dec, with nights in the 50s/60s and daytime temps usually warming into the low 80s. The lake is set in the Sierra Madre Mountains.
During my research I’ve found Baccarac is the best lake for trophy 10+ lb bass. Average days are 20 to 50 fish per boat. They say on the best days, you’ll catch close to 100 per boat.
Lake Baccarac Lodge cost nearly a million dollars to build. Rooms have 2 beds and a bathroom. If you’d like to find out other information on the lodge at take a look at: [url "http://www.lakebaccaraclodge/"][font "Times New Roman"]www dot lakebaccaraclodge[/font][/url] dot com
We’re going to take a charter plane from El Paso to just 10 minutes from the lake. You will need a passport, but clearing customs is very easy in the private plane, both going and coming back. Other things to be aware of: If you are coming with us you won´t only need a passport, you’ll need a fishing permit. The cost is 45 dollars per person, per year and can be processed at the lodge. You are allowed by law to bring 4 rods and 4 reels plus your fishing accessories (lures, tackle boxes, etc) per person new or used without having to pay import taxes. You can bring lots of stuff but don´t push it. You can bring camera and video recorder new or used without having to pay import taxes. You are allowed to bring $50.00 dollars per person in merchandise without having to pay import taxes. Don´t bring any food! Don´t even think about bringing guns or any kind of ammunition or explosives like gun powder, not even a fire cracker? It’s illegal. If you are under medication bring what you need for the days of the trip plus 3 or 4 days. Most probably you won´t find your medication here. Don´t drink anything that´s not bottled. Don´t eat anything hot or spicy. Bring sun block!! December is usually warm with little or no cloud cover. You can easily get roasted.
There will be 2 anglers per boat with each guide. The guides only operate the trolling motors and outboard, they don’t fish.
Please take a look at the recent fishing reports for Lake Baccarac Lodge. Many 10 pounders have been caught this year, along with many 12s, 14s, 16s, and even an 18.3 pounder!!
[url ""][font "Times New Roman"][/font][/url]
Finally, the cost of the trip is $2745 per person. This includes 5 nights at the lodge and 4 days of fishing, charter flight, all food, drinks, and beer/liquor. The only expenses not covered are tips for the resort staff and guides, plus your travel expenses to El Paso, TX.
I’m looking to finalize the group quickly, so if you’re interested, or if you have any questions about the trip, feel free to send me a message at
Steve Sutton

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Mexico Bass Fishing Trip - by 1LIPRIPPER - 06-10-2008, 09:53 PM

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