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Empty Blank Shell Casing Gets Boy Suspended
there was an artical on the news last night on this subject.

It was a Phycologist who was studing these studant shooters....

he stated that 100% of the mass shooters that were still living to talk about it reported they were constantly bullied, and cryed for help from school administrations and were shuned away....

It was an informative artical in that all of the shootings could have been avoided if it werent for preasure from the "studant eliets"

I am not condoning the shooters actions, they were in a loose loose situation.... backed in to a peirpreasure situation....

I say if they want zero tollarance they start with the bullying.

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Re: [Santaaa] Empty Blank Shell Casing Gets Boy Suspended - by davetclown - 06-13-2008, 08:38 PM

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