06-16-2008, 08:36 PM
Sorry to disagree with you about Walleyes in Jordanelle. I caught one of the first ones in Deer Creek, 7+ lbs, and at that time Charlie Thompson, Central Region Fisheries Biologist was very unhappy. You can see the result of that introduction, crash in the perch population and a general decline in the fishery. Don't get me wrong, I love Walleye and pursue them on a regular basis, but under the rules that we live with few live bait options (live minnows out perform dead one's 10 to 1) and not a lot of folks pursuing them, the get out of control and really put a strain on the fishery. The idiots that put them in Jordanelle should be shot if they are ever found, just like the clowns that put burbot into the Gorge. We have only seen one or two, but at TD said, they are there in bigger numbers and they will eventually ruin the balance in the lake.