06-25-2008, 01:57 PM
The Boulder Mts actually are one of the most ATV and vehicle friendly of our National Forests. There is a surfaced road from Torrey to Boulder that crosses the eastern part of the mountain. There are several lakes on that side, Lower Bowns, Oak Creek, etc that are generally pretty good fishing. The west side is also accessible by gravel roads on the Parker Mountains to the west. As the roads go onto the Boulders, they get considerably more rough. As far as maps, stop in at the Forest Service in Loa. They have a Dixie National Forest travel plan. It show all the roads and which ones are approved for ATV, vehicle, or non-motorized access. I was on the south west side on Friday and fished Row and Miller Lakes. Those two lakes hold rainbows but there had been a significant fish winter kill on Row. As I tried to go in the truck to less accessible lakes such as Purple, Spectacle, and McGath to find brook trout, the wife complained that the roads were too rough so we turned around. You know, keep the wife happy. An ATV would have been better. There are unimproved places to camp almost anywhere on the Boulders. Also there are not too many people that use the area which is a plus to me. One more thing, check out the Divisions website under southern Utah streams. Several of the Boulder streams are listed there (ie Pine Creek).