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Coyotes hunting
As in, last year while fishing at Brownlee Reservoir we watched 2 coyotes stalking carp. One was slowing wading in the shallows herding them. The second one was on the bank and every so often he would jump in the water head first. At the time we didn't know what was going on and found it entertaining and cute. Then about an hour later and several jumps later that darn coyote came up with a huge carp. Talk about a splash fest, as soon as he locked his jaws on that fish all heck broke loose. The other coyote quickly joined and they both drug it up on the bank. They didn't eat it there though, we watched them drag it up the steep hill until they crossed over the ridge.
And of course after they were out of site I thought crud, I could have recorded it. But now I know, and I'm sure it's something they've been doing for a while. So next time I'll be recording.

Messages In This Thread
Coyotes hunting - by EZOP - 07-20-2008, 04:00 PM
Re: [EZOP] Coyotes hunting - by X2FSH - 08-28-2008, 02:16 AM

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