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Joan Wulff video on the Reach Cast
what I got from the video is that when dry fly fishing you want the fly to lead the line down the flow of the water.. and not have the line lead .. if the line leads it will "drag" the fly behind it causing a less natural presentation.. if the fly leads the line it gives a more natural looking presentation....

when I was fishing in TN I noted this same thing when I was casting.. I usually cast upstream and then would let the line pull the wet fly along as it went downstream.. and then at the point when the line was downstream of me Id tighten up a bit and let the litte bit of line continue on and the water itself continue to push the fly downstream..

not sure if this is the proper way to do that or not.. that is why the video caught my interest .. I would think. but am not sure. .that if you reach cast a wet fly (wb, black ant, etc) the water will push it down stream more naturally and the line.. controlled by the ff'er would drift downstream behind it..

at least that is what I see.. but we all know my perspective is warped at time.. :-)

MacFly [cool]

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Joan Wulff video on the Reach Cast - by macfly55 - 07-23-2008, 06:33 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Joan Wulff video on the Reach Cast - by macfly55 - 07-23-2008, 08:07 PM

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