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New to Forum - Florida
Hello forum members, My name is Captain Bruce. I live in Palm Beach county, Florida and work on a local drift boat in Lantana, Florida called the Lady K.

My "other" profession is as a fishing guide for fresh and salt water game fish. I have been fishing since the age of 3 and started commerical fishing with my father at age 10. My passion is teching others how to fish and ensure that folks have a wonderful bonding time with family while fishing.

Please watch for my fishing reports in my area under the saltwater forum and feel free to check out for the site of the Lady K, another place I post reports and photos of recent catches.

Fair winds and good fishing!

Capt. Bruce

Messages In This Thread
New to Forum - Florida - by gonefishn2nite - 07-25-2008, 05:44 AM

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