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Need some outboard help
Mike, as we discussed by phone last evening, I agree it sounds like there is a good chance that you have a clogged fuel filter. Hopefully, someone can direct you how to get to the filter(s), and after it is repaired, you should consider installing a fuel filter in your fuel line. I did this on my boat and I have found it is far simpler to replace a filter that is in the fuel line than to have to tear the engine down to get to the filter. It would still be important to keep the filter(s) on the engine also, to trap anything that might get in the fuel beyond the filter in the fuel line. Also, if you put a filter in the fuel line be sure that you purchase a marine filter that is made for this purpose. A regular fuel filter made for a vehicle will filter out the mixed oil (Lee at Lee's Marine warned me of this).

Messages In This Thread
Need some outboard help - by remo_5_0 - 08-01-2008, 05:54 PM
Re: [remo_5_0] Need some outboard help - by kentofnsl - 08-01-2008, 06:09 PM

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