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super fat vs. fish cat 4 dx
Id say who cares again..

.. have to say that this has been a very enlightening discussion of the pvc vs urethane topic.. Id say more so than ever before.. but that is just my .02 on it..

one question I did think of is this.. on the nav ii's that you and hubby have.. you have posted pics of the clearance between you and the water that showed there was quite a bit of clearance.. now does hubby have the same amount of clearance.. or is he lower.. and if so .. how much lower ??
(as a means of showing how the weight difference of the person using it has an impact on how high or low someone sits out of the water with the same craft set up to identical or near identical parameters.. and both fishing under the same conditions (water/air temp etc).

I realize the nav ii's are not the topic of discussion.. but I am one that believes that a picture is worth a thousand words.. and if basic physics are the same no matter what (and I believe they are)..then the only variable in question would be the weight of the person using the craft.. and how much weight in "extras" is added (rods/reels/motors etc)...

MacFly [cool]

Messages In This Thread
super fat vs. fish cat 4 dx - by okbow68 - 08-04-2008, 03:50 PM
Re: [flygoddess] super fat vs. fish cat 4 dx - by macfly55 - 08-04-2008, 10:33 PM

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