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night fishing state park fees
well what your supose to be paying for is the cleen up and matenace of the park... and i under stand that! not what i have a problem with!! that's the area astablished as the park. where the tralers are parked and the fancy stuff is. not primitave camping or boat camping!! that should be free where is the matenace? if they have a problem with trash in the area there are alredy law's to deal with that!! not makeing everyone pay..

i License my boat and pay tax's when i do..
i license my truck and pay tax's when i do..
i license my camper and pay tax's when i do..
i pay property tax's evey year..
i pay sales tax every time i buy something
the state takes tax's out of my pay check evey week..

there for why should i be taxed again and again for useing land and water that i'm allredy paying tax's on?

Messages In This Thread
night fishing state park fees - by moonburnt - 08-13-2008, 11:32 PM
Re: [waljustia] night fishing state park fees - by fuzzyfisher - 08-14-2008, 09:21 PM

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