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night fishing state park fees
I am the Park Manager at Willard Bay State Park. In our Fee Guidelines, the Park Manager has the ability to ask for special fees for certain special instances. This thread of comments has peaked my interest and I will be asking for special fee considerations for night fisherman. Mike Neeley is correct in his interpretation of the fee schedule. And this is very confusing to the field, and especially confusing to our summer time employees that most often work in our entrance stations.

At Willard Bay we have normally operated on these guidelines for night fisherman. If you enter the park prior to 10 pm and leave the park after midnight and are in your boat on the water you need one of three things: 1) a day use entrance permit for the day of arrival, and one for the day of departure ($20 - this stinks), 2) an annual pass, or 3) a boat camping permit ($15 - still stinks, but better than $20). So by far the best value is the annual pass.

The term boat camping is bad, perhaps it should be changed to overnight vehicle parking. But anyway, I will be making a proposal that overnight vehicle parking in designated areas be included with the annual pass or for a fee equal to the parks entrance fee.

Thanks and keep enjoying the many fishing, camping, picnicking opportunities that Utah has to offer.

Messages In This Thread
night fishing state park fees - by moonburnt - 08-13-2008, 11:32 PM
Re: [moonburnt] night fishing state park fees - by rmbring - 08-19-2008, 02:27 PM

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