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Will Obama Pull a Kerry?
there is just so much wrong here, we cant even begin to scratch the serface...

your absolutly right on all accounts...

if Iraq wanted our help they would have hired us to help them insted of us paying them for us helping them...

as far as africa goes, the first year clinton was in office those same people came to america and talk to hillery and asked for help... "IN PERSON" pleading..... her reply was Im sorry, [#ff0000]there was nothing any one can do to help you[/#ff0000]...[Image: angry.gif] I remember that news clip as it if it were from yesterday... I was apualed and stunned when I saw that on the news....

I fully agree that money could have been better spent rebuilding a broken society than waging war....

we cant solve our own problems and here we are attempting to interfear in others disfunctionable societies.

dont get me wrong, Sadam needed to go, but there were and always better and less costly methods of removing some one from power... but he is but only one of many corrupt individuals who have become tyrants in the persuit of power, we have our own mayor kwamie the clown here in detroit who may not have commited gennicide but cirtainly misrepresentated the people he was suspost to be representating, "the people who voted him in not the corporate and gambling ceo's "

kwamie is planning on running again in another two years when the next ellection comes up... thats even after facing 8 fellony charges, two counts of wich were physicaly asulting police officers..

I agree, no one comitted of a fellony should be alowed to hold any public office higher than a dog catcher...

lets not forget having sex of any kind in the oval office of the white house is also a fellony. and if any one thinks not, try doing it one the lawn or even a closset of the white house and see how long you get put away for...[sly]

It is hard to find a politition or any one for that matter who has their priorities set for building a sound safe community, think about it, we have several hundred senitors and congressmen who are involved on the federal government level alone, and then there are the state levels then county then city then neighborhood... yet we only have one living pope for the whole world.[crazy]

the bible says to lead by example,
bouy are we showing one hell of an example.[crazy]

[ul][li]waising resorces[/li][li]allowing corporate intrest to influence our government.[/li][li]setting the suport of high finance as a priority over health and education.[/li]
[ul][li]how on earth can we say do as I say when we dont practice what we preach?[/li][li]the state put the money in the hands of officials in the city of detroit to educat thier studants, yet books and other learning supplies sit locked up in abandoned schools where the kids cant get their hands on them.[/li][/ul][/ul]when we give these luxuray positions to these socalled politions who only have our best intrest in mind we are not saying here is the money roll go see how much you can steel mis-place mis-direct mis-deligate mis-manage.

[#ff0000]and yes they are luxuray positions, "work 4 years and get a pention and health care package for life"[/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]any one who wants more than that is just plain greedy. "I think there is something in the bible about that as well" [:p][/#ff0000]
[#ff0000]I'm sorry if I expect better of our elected officials than what they are giving us. The fact that more people dont express this concern also has me concerned about our future as a species on this planet as well....[/#ff0000]

Messages In This Thread
Will Obama Pull a Kerry? - by davetclown - 06-04-2008, 07:48 PM
Re: [cat_man] Will Obama Pull a Kerry? - by davetclown - 09-03-2008, 05:07 PM

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