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I prefer to give it only to taxpayers, there are about 20 million of them.

That gets about 42K for each. 84 K for a married couple. Give every taxpayer a single lump sum payback of $42,000 and I'll show you economic stimulus!
Most would gladly dump 1/2 on their mortgage or use it for a down payment as part of the deal. This would give banks much needed cash and cut their liabilities in 1/2 as mortages are paid down. It would also give cash to be loaned to the new home buyers and stimulate job growth and construction.
All using recent credit qualifications, of course, and with 21K down.
Most will use the rest to buy a car, CA-CHING, fire up the auto plants again and get that line of super efficient CNG and electric cars going first, there is enough SUV stock at the dealers to last a couple of years.
Now, I would pay off my credit cards and do home improvements with the rest, a few would save, but the rest would buy products and good times. Some of which would stimulate the economy some would stimulate China's. But no matter, housing construction is up, banks are OK and manufacturing is coming back. Don't forget the whole world will want out modern effecient CNG powered cars and trucks, not those japanese gas guzzlers that send out dollars to overseas terrorist supporting nations, un employment is down, spending up, tax revenue up from more wages being earned and more of them being spent...
Inflation is back, and it's good to have ya!

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700 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT - by theangler - 09-26-2008, 10:33 PM
Re: [davetclown] 700 BILLION DOLLAR BAILOUT - by Troll - 10-04-2008, 02:23 PM

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