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missed and still got my elk.
I think those are legitimate questions fsh4fun, better to ask on here and decide what you would do with that "whatif" than when you are in the heat of the moment in the mountains. I have 2 stories that I've heard directly from the mouths of 2 different hunters; but they aren't my stories so take it as you may.

Hunter #1 was hunting elk (spike only) had a "spike" in his sights but wasn't in position for a shot, when he finally did get a chance at a shot he put the animal down only to find out that he had actually shot a 3point elk-he claims he saw both elk but didn't see the 3point take the spot that the spike had been and he kicked himself for not double checking. He turned himself in and was able to keep the elk, but received a decent fine to go along with it. He said he left everything as it was and got the fg involved so that he could show them the shooting angle and everything else.

Hunter #2 was deer hunting and lined up on a decent 3point without noticing the doe feeding behind. His bullet passed through the buck and killed the doe too (two deer one shot.) He also left everything as it was, got the fg involved, got a fine, and was able to keep both deer.

Like I said I wasn't there, but these are pretty upstanding guys and both excellent hunters who made mistakes. And I believe their stories. After all, why would the fg be out to get you for admitting what you did was wrong? Now I think that each of us may be faced with similar situations at some point and I also believe that it is best to own your mistakes no matter what they are in life. Those are the trying times that we really find out who we are.

Messages In This Thread
missed and still got my elk. - by CROSSINEYES - 10-05-2008, 05:48 PM
Re: [fsh4fun05] missed and still got my elk. - by REPETER - 10-26-2008, 09:48 AM

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