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Utah Lake Fish Forum -- Panel Discussion
Just browsing through here, did not have enough time to read everyone's comments but thought I could address one.
When removing carp we know there will be some mortalities to other species - like most things involved with carp removal we do not know the full impact. Once removal begins DWR will have observers on-board to monitor the process and take of other species.
Something to think about for the next forum meeting: Removal of some individuals from species other than carp could be useful for the management of game fish populations - it may help reduce competition. Think about what kind of fishery you'd like to have at Utah Lake. Do we want a lot of fish or fewer, but bigger fish? Are there any species that anglers would be "ok" with being removed alongside carp (perhaps black bullhead)? Knowing there will be some level of mortality - what level of mortality would be acceptable?
I really feel like carp removal can be a means for creating a great fishery at Utah Lake.
Hope this helps answer some concern and spark some thoughts!

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Re: [kentofnsl] Utah Lake Fish Forum -- Panel Discussion - by txfishgirl - 10-28-2008, 04:11 PM

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