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Utah Lake Fish Forum -- Panel Discussion
While I am concerned that the impact of the netting will have on the game fish in the lake, it is all moot as far as I am concerned.

If we are not successful in removing the carp and getting things back to where the June Sucker can recover, we are going to be toast. What will happen will be that some zelot for the Endangered Species Act will file a lawsuit, a federal judge who doesn't give a rat's rear end about the Walleye, Channel Cats, or even boating or waterskiing, will make a half @#$!$ ruling that will require the Fish and Wildlife Service and DWR to do what ever is necessary to recover the sucker's and the heck with the cost and damage to the other users of the lake. They might even say that we can't use the lake for other purposes as it will disturb the Junies.

So if they remove some walleye, LMB, SMB and channel cats with the carp, so be it. If what they are proposing works and the lake recovers, the sport fishing will be better than it has ever been, and really folks, it is as good now as I have ever seen it.

I don't get out as much due to other duties, but when I do, I catch LMB, WB, with much more regularity than I have in the last 30 years fishing the lake. I fished Utah Lake for 20 years before I caught my first LMB, now when targeting them, 4-6 a trip.

I am also glad that the Loy's are going to be removing the carp. They know what, how, and when to do it and how to minimize the bycatch.

Please be supportive of this, because the alternative is REALLY BAD, you can't imagine, but it will be our worst nightmare, trust me !!!

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Re: [doggonefishin] Utah Lake ByCatch-- Panel Discussion - by Therapist - 10-28-2008, 08:28 PM

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