01-10-2009, 10:23 AM
how much did that toad weight? good lord. i caught a monster on the river right bellow the damn. he crushed my 30 lb scale like it was nothing. i caught him on a trashed worm that was barely hanging on the hook i reeled it real slow by him and he spun in a full 360 and sucked it up. one of the most amazing things i have ever seen. i fought him for almost 40 minutes i was 19 at the time and my grandpa had to get down and net it i was exausted after that battle. oh by the way it was on eight pound test line and a medium action rod he spooled line like it wasnt even attached to him i have a picture somewhere that i cant find. but i know my grandfather has a copy i could get and scan for you guys.i know this story seems far fetched and it is useless with out pics. so i will have to get the pic.