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I sure miss them !
dear flag! i,m sorry to hear bout your brothers father in law. and hope brother gits thru it ok, it,s always hard to loose someone. and i believe those older than us there,s a special bond even if it,s only fer a little while. their wisdom is passed down to us, well, i guess i,m crazy bout my gramp/ he was more father and gramp to me than anyone i,ve ever known in my life. he was the type of man that he didn,t say much, UNLESS IT WAS HIS STORIES, HAHA, but when he said it he MEANT IT AND IT WAS TRUE, AND HONEST. HE was an old vermonter grew up in the hills of strafford. took care of the justin morgan horses here when he was a boy, and lloved them as i do. he had a pair of belgiansON HIS FARM,that stood 19 hands, that almost 10 ft. from their fetlock the whithers. fetlock it just above the hoof to the top of their was a mare, the other a geldin all white. that was old tom. bigger than most, especially FER drafts. BELGIANS, fer ther breed. but old tom lived to be 38 years old in our years, and grampa loved that old horse. my motherand her 3 sisters use to ride old tom all at once WITH NO SADDLE OR BRIDLE, and i still have hte picture of them on him.gramp went to the first world war, came home with shell shock whitch left him with epilptic spells, so mom would always tell me to stay away from gramp cause he might have one. well, if ya git a drift of ME, HAHA, I WOULD NOT STAY AWAY FROM MY GRAMP. AND I KNOW MY GRAMP UNDERTOOD THIS AND THOUGHT ALL THE MOREOF ME. HAHA the other cousins of mine never wanted to know gramp so i was his one and only. to him i guess. i guess they werescared gramp would have a spell and listened to their mother, i couldn,t. i loved listenin to gramps stories of fishin and huntin, i,d sit at his feet just takin it in. it seemed kind of funny cause gramp was tellin me these stories not visitin with my mother and father the way adults visit when ya go see em. haha he,d stop and i,d say more gramp. hha how ma,d git hot! haha but old tom was his pride and joy, the mare too but tom RULED! GRAMP HAD THOSE EPELEPTIC SPELLS AND WHEN THEY WERE OUT IN THE WOODS workin timber, GRAMP WOULD FALL IN BETWIXT THE HORSES AND TOM WOULD MAKE SURE THE MARE WOULD NOT MOVE. TOM AND HER WOULD STAND THERE UNTIL GRAMP WAS OK AND GOT UP. SOMETIMES FER HOURS, THAT,S WHY gramp LOVED HIM SO. TOM WOULDN,T LET ANYONE NEAR GRAMP. SO WHEN TOM GOT OLD, GAMP FIGURED HE WOULD give old tom THE Life HE DESERVED as long as he could without sufferin.and at the end, gramp was feedin tom groule because he had no teeth,and it killed a part of gramp when he had to have the neighbor over to put him down in the hole gramp dug for hiim. in the top pasture of his farm. gramp said his good bye to old tom, and tom knew gramp said. he saw it in his eyes, as i did with patches james, i guess we all have our own guilts and i guess this was gramps.mine too. but gramp had a love fer his animals and brought it down to me. i can remember when i picked my ponies out, and i take pride in what gramp taught me bout horses, and the love fer em, and understandin, and i feel proud to OF learned from the best cause what gramp told me when i brought my litte girl, bombfire peggy jo home, still Sticks in my head, YOU GOT AN EYE FER YOUR PONIES GIRL./ AND THAT MEANT ALOT TO ME. all the love wisdom understandin of life and THE LOVE OF LIFE, I LEARNEDD FROM MY GRAMPA, AND IT STAYS WITH ME EVERYDAY I BREATHE, AND KNOW HE,S WITH ME WHEN I,M RIDIN THE HILLS WITH MY PONIES FISHIN HUNTIN, RUNNIN MY HOUNDS, HE,S THERE WATCHIN OVER ME, AS MY RED TAIL HAWK IS. THANKS FLAG. SOMEAY I,LL TELL YA OF GRAMPS HUNTIN DAYS AND FISHIN! HAHA LATER MARE.THANK GOD FER MY SON TOO CAUSE I PASSSED THE OLD OCTOGON BARREL 30-30 DOWN TO HIM, THAT WAS GRAMPS AND ALSO THE STORIES GRAMP TOLD ME. SEE HOW IT WORKS HAHA [cool][Smile][Wink][laugh]LATER HAVE FUN NO MATTER WHAT YA DO!

Messages In This Thread
I sure miss them ! - by Flagmanonice - 05-27-2003, 01:34 AM
Re: [davetclown] I sure miss them ! - by lou - 05-27-2003, 12:42 PM
Re: [Flagmanonice] I sure miss them ! - by lou - 05-27-2003, 01:43 PM
Re: [lou] I sure miss them ! - by Flagmanonice - 05-27-2003, 06:12 PM
Re: [Flagmanonice] I sure miss them ! - by lou - 05-28-2003, 12:37 AM
Re: [lou] I sure miss them ! - by lou - 05-28-2003, 01:02 AM

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