05-28-2003, 12:41 PM
that would be [cool] haha then i could put the moose on there fer you.!! haha but don,t ya have to have a scannin machine?? i got one but jack hasn.t plugged it up yet. i don,t know how. but we,re takin off with the truck and motorcycle friday fer a week over to laconia, that way i can ride some if i feel good enough.we,re takin enough stuff fer a year. haha louie said he,s takin his monkey haha he,s been carryin it around fer three days. he always knows when we,re goin. haha,i hope we,re gonna have better weather than their talkin. as long as it gits warm.!!!!! well we got a big tent the computer movies so we,ll find somethin to do in that tent haha later mare tell the fawn i said hi!! the kids and fishingirl too haha!![
