05-28-2003, 11:54 PM
lol!! 2-3 times haha but i got a good one fer ya too! dawn and i my girlfriend were up in the hills of readin the same place i told you about the other day, where we saw em again. i think and am pretty sure it,s the same ones that been comin back fer years now. and i think the big one i was tellin ya about might be dad now that i thinks about it. he was that huge.10 ft or better!! well, dawn and i had been up to camp visitin the boys and the camps not too fer from the swamp they,d been in and hangin round fer quite some time. but people hdn,t seen em in a few days so we figured we,d go up thru just sit and bull tILL the sun went down over the swamp cause it,S pretty up there. well, at the camp we,d had a couple and we had to go!! gogo! haha well anyways we wanted to go BE fer the sun went down. we proceeded to git out the car and go down the trail the moose had made on the edge of the swamp,ALL AROUND THE SWAMP, BUT not too fer from the car. well they had a trail on both sides of the swamp. and met where dawn and i was doin our thing. haha anywas, i looked over and without us knowin momma was on the otherside of the swamp and come out thru withh her NEW little ones twins. i looked at dawn she looked at me and i,m sayin oh ---- all of a sudden we hear this crash BOOM BANG thru the bushes, and ALL i,m SEEIN, ANDsayin IS LEGS HORNS MOOSE! daddy!!! i said come over here slow!!! he had come out the side we needed to git to the car on! we was scat!!!!!!! yessa, dawn grabs my hand with the one she and i were tryin to hold our britches up thyin not to do more in our britches ahahhaha but we weren,t laugin then!!! haha anyways he stood there starin at us and i said dawn MOVE SLOW! VERY SLOW! whiperin! WE WERE NOT MORE,N 7FT AWAY FROM HIM LIKELY almost! DOIN IT IN OUR BRITCHES. HE WAS SO CLOSE I FELT HIS BREATHE AT LEAST IT SEEMED. WELL WE GOT PAST HIM AND BOY WERE WE STILL NERVOUS!! BUT WE GOT TO THAT CAR AND MAN DID WE BOOK IT. OUT OF THERE AND TO THIS DAY WHEN THE MOOSE COME BACK THAT,S WHAT WE THINK OF.hahaha I DId [
