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I wanted to weigh in on a small but important factor when it comes to testifying before a public agency's policy making body. Manners and poise make for effective testimony. <br>You want to be clear concise and polite. Screaming and yelling at a person testifying in opposition of your opinion very rapidly polarizes the folks taking the testimony and ultimately will work against you in a tight situation. <br><br>Do not ramble on, or make sweeping accusations or tout "facts" you heard someplace but couldn't verify for your self. Have your facts straight. Make cue cards if you need to.<br><br>DO NOT YELL OUT FROM THE CROWD! If you have a question about a staff persons facts or position they have given in their presentation, make a written note to yourself and ask them for clarification when your time comes to testify. You can do this, matter of fact its done all the time. Simply ask the Chair if you can ask the staff member a clarifying question. Do not enter into an argument with the staff member if you disagree, simply state that you disagree, your reasons why and move on. <br><br>Try not to be too repetative. It will be hard not to repeat other peoples reasons after the first 5 or 10. If a point has been made earlier simply recap the position by stating you agrree with others taking your position and add your own reasons. Its okay to be brief, the Commissioners will appreciate the factthat you are taking your position, stating it and move on to allow the next tesitmony.<br><br>Dress neatly, I don't really think you have to have a tie and suit in instances like this but believe me the better first impression made the more likely your testimony will be taken to heart.<br><br>Speak clearly. Take a second to adjust the microphone to a level ((height) you are comfortable with. Most mikes are omni directional so you dont have to "eat the mike" to make it work. Get comfortable but stand straight and make eye contact with the commissioners.<br><br><i>I copied this from another board & thought it is good...<br>`thanks Big Daddy !!!</i><br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[Wink]

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