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South Pacific Sydney
[Smile][fishin] G'Day from Sydney Australia [cool]

My name is Chris and I'm a mad angler and have been all my life. I live in Sydney and fish in the Harbour which has a great variety of fish. Tuna's,Yellowtails,Jacks,Bluefish,Snapper ,Bream,Flatfish & a Type of Sea Bass/Drum, which grows to 80lb although 20lbs is considered a nice fish.
I catch most of my own bait (squid & baitfish) as these get the larger quality fish. We try and avoid hooking the numerous Sharks & Rays as these are not considered worthwhile as either sportfish or for eating.
Mostly I fish from the shore or Piers and use every type of tackle from finessing on 4lb flouro to 80lb braided lines

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South Pacific Sydney - by Kingyfisher - 03-03-2009, 01:14 AM

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