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What's your favorite rig for fisin' panfish?
There is nothing like taking a 2 or 3 weight fly rod in the spring and twitching a sponge spider under the branches of a bush in shallow water while the bluegill are on their beds. My family takes a two or three day bluegill vacation every year.

Each of my boys gets a 6' 3weight for their birthday when they turn five. This spring three of them will be slapping the water and realling in the gills.

If the gills are not taking topwater we go with a simple nymph to tie called a tex favorite. It is very simple and the gills suck it up. In fact I caught a gill that came within two ounces of the Idaho State record. That was about fifteen years ago from Condie.


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Re: [idahopanfish] What's your favorite rig for fisin' panfish? - by windriver - 03-04-2009, 04:40 AM

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