03-12-2009, 04:04 AM
Congrats on getting a new boat.........[
]............I've had a few of both i/b and o/b's over the years.I've fished all year long with both.One of them was a 120 hp also.Every time I'd pull it out of the water I drain the motor only by taking 1 bolt out of the bottom of the block and 1 on each side of the exhaust.I didn't mind doing it because it was a good way to warm your hands up because the motor always had warm water come out.Then just like your out board put your out drive all the way down and let all the water out.I'd start it for about 15 seconds and make sure all the waters out............but please don't just listen to me I'd hate for you to have any problems but I think it wouldn't be to hard for you to get the job done.Good luck..........[fishin]
