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Bully Beatdown!
Anyone checked out the new MTV Show Bully Beatdown?

MMA Fighters go out and fight Bullies at the persons request that is being bullied. They get $1,000 for every minute they don't tap out.

Check our new Bully Beatdown forum:
[url ""][/url]

TheAngler BFT Moderator

Messages In This Thread
Bully Beatdown! - by theangler - 04-05-2009, 04:57 AM
Re: [theangler] Bully Beatdown! - by lilfat57 - 05-05-2009, 02:11 PM
Re: [lilfat57] Bully Beatdown! - by theangler - 05-05-2009, 02:39 PM
Re: [theangler] Bully Beatdown! - by jigs - 05-16-2009, 09:54 AM

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