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Awsome sight to see in the woods !
hey dub!!!! hahahaha i still would of liked ta seen that one!! hahaha well missed talkin to ya the last 2 weeks! you all. been motorcyclin! fisr in new york, americade. and then laconia new hampshire! vacations are TIRENIN!!! HAHA HAD A GOOD TIME THOUGH. GOT OUT FROM THE COMPUTER FER A WHILE HAHA in laconia we went fishin up to the white mountains. beautiful area, and boy did we catch some fish. BIG BROOKIES. I CAUGHT A 2LB. 1 AND A HALF POUND AND SOME SMALLERRR ONES BUT GOOD EATIN!!! JACK GOT A FEW GOOD ONES TOO. i just let it float down thru with my nite crawler and bang!!!! had em. haha good runners except for the big ones they set right there and ate it and was lazy andd wouldn,t move only cople fett. that,s how i knew he,d ate it. i had a good fight with em after though! haha my little ugly stick was bent right over. haha it was my five ft. pole. got really cold and RAIN RAIN RAIN. EXCEPT FER 3 DAYS!! OUT OF THE 2 WEEKS! BUT WE GOT A GOOD SETup with the tent taarp, heater!! haha my ol bones don,t like the old no more. hahaha wel write me when ya can. hope everythin,s been fine since i talked to ya last!! and family. later mare [Wink][laugh]

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Re: [lonehunter] Awsome sight to see in the woods ! - by lou - 06-16-2003, 02:47 PM

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