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DESTROYED..! `part 1111.
So there we were….<br><br>Cursing the Purple Blue deep Pacific, `me, my dawg, an 8 year old that was Fast becoming an Old Salt & his family… the boat is riding the chest high swell quite comfortably with the sun almost overhead yet still a little to the front of the boat, the lures behind the boat swimming along pushing water & carrying their bubbly trail thru till their next surfacing… <br><br>But… the Hair on the back of my neck was telling me in a subconscious way there was a BIG Fish readying itself for Battle… interesting how that works, over the years, That has become the one thing I live for, when everything goes into Slow motion, almost like time stands still & the Only thing I can see, hear & feel is the Ocean, my boat & the hook, however it is attached….<br>But…<br><br>I see nothing… the Shadow that swam thru disappeared into the depths as quickly as it appeared & now I wonder if it was even a reality….<br>`was it just a big Dolphin..?<br>We are just out of the pod & that is where the Big Scouts cruse…<br>But… it sure was Big, kinda deep gray/blue in color too…. It did kinda swim without moving, normally with dolphin, ya kin see their tail moving in the up n down motion but this one more glided thru the water with no movement visible, `Fast Too… <br><br>Just in case, I go down & unhook the rubba holding the short lure in position & give it a couple Quick cranks & stopping it while putting the reel in freespool holding my thumb on the spool so the lure was running just in the bottom of the trough so if a fish were to come up behind it, I would have a clear view & the lure would be free to drop down the `hopefully Open mouth….<br><br>Nothin…. Hmmmm….<br>So I drop it back to the next wave, with just slight thumb pressure on the spool, hoping to feel it pick up momentum as the fish grabbed it on the drop…<br>Nothin… <br>So I drop it back to the next wave & hold thumb pressure…<br>Nothin… Hmmm…<br>So I give it a few Quick cranks bring the lure back to it’s original position, Watching, Hoping but seeing…`Nothin…<br><br>I scan the other lures & wake back behind the boat while doing this, looking for any tell tale signs of a fish under any of the other lures only to see everything looking normal…<br><br>But… `Why are my legs shaking… & the hair on my neck standing on end..?<br><br>So… I let the lure back again, letting it drop back in freespool a yard or so, stopping it with my thumb, feeling for pressure & letting it back a few more yards only to feel just the pressure of the big lure pulling on the line… So… I crank it hard & fast, bringing the lure up on the surface bubbling away while watching for the shadow to appear behind it….<br>But…`Nothin….<br><br>I hear behind me, a voice asking, “do you Have it..?<br>`oh yea… there are people with me…<br>& I turn & say, “You would Know if That was a Fish & it Bit…<br><br>I stand watching the lures & water behind the boat, looking for Anything that might be a sign of a fish but see only the blue water with the lures bubbling along the surface mixed in with the white water from the boat….<br>I put the ruba back on the clip on the short lure & go back up on the bridge, looking, hoping… looking….<br><br>Now, I’m really wondering if it was a fish or just a dolphin…<br>I thought to myself that I better turn & go back thru the area, `heck, I Knew I would be in that area for the duration of the trip & probably the next, I Knew by `The BuZZ… I felt, that it Had to be a fish, Instinct & Subconscious are Rarely wrong.<br><br><br>As I made my turn, I hear the folks talking below me on the deck…<br>“what is that bird doing back there..?<br><br>As I turn to see where they are looking, I see they are pointing above the lures behind the boat at a Giant Frigate hovering 30 feet above the lures…<br>I look at the lures that are now lined up behind the boat from the angle of the turn….<br><br>Suddenly..<br><br>Behind the Short lure, I see a Dorsal Fin of a Marlin… it just rose out of the water without making any disturbance in the surface…<br>& IT WAS BIG..!<br>It was as wide as the Soft head lure it was following…<br>Then it sank out…<br><br>I could now Only hear my own heart beat & Only see the lure & about 5 yards of water around it as I turned the wheel straitening the boat…<br><br>& there IT was again… The Dorsal behind the short lure….<br>As I watched…. I saw HER come up behind the lure with HER mouth open fully behind the lure…<br>It looked like a 50 Gallon drum…. & the Big lure Really `Wasn’t, at this time…<br>I saw the White of the underside of Her Bill, it was like someone’s Arm in Size as it rose above the lure revealing the Bucket underneath for the lure to drop into….<br>So….<br><br>By instinct I guess….<br>I reached over & dropped the throttle down, thus almost stopping the boat & the Lure in front of HER mouth…<br><br>The World Stood Still….<br>I could see the lure disappear as she engulfed it & turned to the outside of the wake…<br>The World Stood Still….<br><br>`again, by instinct I guess as it felt as if I was up with the Frigate watching this happen from above…<br>I Gunned the Throttle…<br>Thus Pulling the line & lure tight in the Big Marlins mouth…<br>I watched as the line came tight to the ruba, streached it out & SNAPPED…!<br><br>I can still hear the sound of the reel as it paid out that First few yards…<br><br>ER..ERRR…ER..ERRRR..ER.ER……ERRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZZZ<br><br>OH SH!T !!!!<br>SHE HAS IT..!!…We’re HOOKZED..!<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[Wink]

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